For being a size 42-44 it really wasn't that big on me (size 34). It fit just like a comfy sweatshirt, and I think once it is washed with a bit of Eucalan (see previous post!) I think it will soften right up.
A bit of Googling seems to suggest that this is a WWII era sweater. I can just imagine my grandfathers, one in the Pacific front, and the other in North Africa, wearing these sweaters under their uniforms. I had a hard time finding information on standard issue clothing, but I'm sure there is lots of information out that there I just didn't find. The thinness of the fabric would suggest to me that this was one of many layers worn with the uniform, and for the soldiers in Bastogne and other cold parts of Europe I'm sure they were happy to have them. If anyone reading this knows of any resources on WWII uniforms I'd love to read about it. History of costume is one of my particular interests; I like to know the 'whys' behind what we have worn throughout history.