I started a cardigan back in July, from an idea that was conceived well over a year ago. I finished the body and wasn't quite sure what i wanted to do with the sleeves. So I decided to block the body pieces and see how they were looking. Good thing I didn't continue with the sleeves, because this was another FAIL. Not only did the front pieces not match in length, all the armholes were 2" too long, and the front pieces were way too narrow. What on earth was I thinking when I did the calculations???? I flung them all across the room in disgust. I don't even like knitting sweaters in pieces, but felt compelled to because I was using an alpaca yarn and didn't want it to get all stretched out.
When you design something, you really need to love it at all the stages of work. Not only do you spend all the time knitting it, you also spend lots of time ripping back, hours making calculations for sizing and hours typing the instructions. If you don't absolutely love it, then all that time spent on the 'dirty work' so to speak will become a source of grumbling. And after my blocking fiasco, I was beyond grumbling- I was fuming! Whenever something like this happens, I put the project away for awhile (maybe another year!) and start fresh. I think if I come back to this idea, I will need a new yarn, new construction (all in one piece body, please!) and new dimensions for the front pieces. Time to start another project to give my brain a rest. I'm thinking a cowl, something with no shaping!
I think there is a misconception with designing that a designer simply comes up with an idea, makes the sample, writes the pattern, and BOOM it's done. It makes me feel better to read from other designers about the hard work and struggles that go into a design, so that is why I wrote this post about my own fail.
Now on to happier things. I saw this video on Ysolda's blog, and decided to share it here. I think I would thoroughly enjoy a llama or alpaca cuddle.