1. Random piecing can make you accidentally sew yourself into a corner. The idea of crazy quilting is to sew down an initial piece, then add a piece to a common edge, then add another piece that fits across a common edge on the first two pieces, etc, etc. But as the block progresses, the pieces you add on need to get bigger and bigger. What if I don't have a scrap that big? Well, I tried to do some crazy maneuvering that involved folding back edges on the right side and trying to add in some stealthy stitching as if I was sewing a needle turned applique Didn't work out so well. So how do you fix it? Well, to make bigger pieces I learned to sew a few smaller scraps together before adding them onto the block. But it sort of ruined the lines on the block. Which brings me to point #2.
2. 12" square blocks are just too big. I'm thinking 10" would be better. Then hopefully I won't need to have such large pieces as I get to the outer edges.
3. Don't be so random, work off a paper pattern until I get the hang of piecing. I'm trying to be all cool and just make it up as I go, but I end up scratching my head and grumbling trying to get it all to work. Ok, I'll draw a paper pattern. Pffft.
4. Embroidery floss is probably not the best embellishing thread for me. I have tons of it, therefore thought it would be a good idea to use some of it up. But using all 6 strands was too thick, so I separated off two strands and started embroidering with that. The stitching was nice and delicate, but I had a problem with the strands splitting and just not laying nicely on the fabric. My embroidery inexperience didn't help either. After a trip to Joann's, I have decided to switch to pearl cotton. Embroidery floss is made up of 6 strands loosely twisted together, meant to be split apart for various types of embroidery. Pearl cotton is two strands tightly twisted together and not meant to come apart. The individual balls of size 10 pearl cotton were pretty boring colors (black, ecru, navy) but I happened to find a package of thicker pearl cotton in some nice and bright colors.

But wait, isn't this a knitting blog? When are you ever going to write about knitting? Normally I would write about knitting, and a few other things too. But it seems that lately all the knitting I have going on is the secret kind that I have to wait to show everyone. I'm finishing up the secret knitting and will get back to self publishing. I have a personal project that I've been working on during the Monday night knit group, so I'll share it in the next post. Promise. Until then, Happy Knitting!