Roelle Hat
Winterset Hat
Design Your Own Hat
Valentine Cables Hat
Kilbourne Hat
Etoile Hat
Glenrowan Hat
Button box cloche
Adora Hat
Aster Hat
Argyle Cabled Beret
Zoey Star Beret
Cairo Hat
Honeycomb Hive Hat
Lakkos Cloche
Pullovers & Cardigans
Noemy Pullover
Yvaine Cardigan
Daiva Cardigan
Trail Henley
Salisa Cardigan
Thara Cardigan
Dealla Cardigan
Shiloh Sweater
Katrina Pullover
Liana Cardigan
Jocasta Pullover
Edythe Pullover
Ripple Edge Cardigan
Kaleidoscope Pullover
Sunsine & Rain Henley
Begonia Pullover
Climbing Rose Henley
Irisa Cardigan
Sand Dollar Cardigan
Lava Rock Cardigan
Sharee Cardigan
Annalise Pullover
Starbrook Pullover
Rosemary Cardigan
Alison Pullover
Edelweiss Cardigan
Minnette Pullover
Erte Cardigan
Nocturnal Pullover
Morrison Cardigan
Wessex Cardigan
Leftovers for dinner
Tees & Tanks
Cowesett Tee
Janesse Pullover
Kayleen Pullover
Jacaranda Tunic
Sakura Tee
Sunburst Tee
Lindell Tee
Adeline Camisole
Vests & Shrugs
Elephant Vest
Elephant Safari Children's Vest
Rimrock Vest
Bartram Vest
Karnak Vest
Dark Lotus Shrug
Lancero Vest
Aster Vest
Olexa Vest
Morocco Vest
Loretto Vest
Camellia Shrug
Nadina Shawl
Janelle Shawlette
Nile Valley Shawl
Ciara Shawl
Emmylou Shawl
Graciella Shawl
Djoser shawl
Desert Waves Scarf and Shawl
Blackberry Mist Shawl
Mariposa Shawl
Technidream Shawl
Log Cabin Shawl
Rosana Shawl
Siren Shawl
Scarves & Cowls
Zohra Cowl
Esna Cowl
Lavienne Scarf
Joselyn Cowl
Jayda Cowl
Raissa Cowl
Rosewood Cowl
Lilka Scarf
Hoptree Scarf
Roelle Gloves
June Mitts
Cranberry Mitts
Cabled Heart Fingerless Gloves
Lucine Skirt
Jewelry & Other Accessories
Inez Necklace
Bettina Headwrap
Saqqara Necklace
Endira Necklace
Lapis Cuff
Athena Headband
Entrelac Tutorial
Double Knitting tutorial
Honeycomb Cables without a cable needle
Twisted stitches tutorial: k1tbl & p1tbl
Azalea & Rosebud Knits
Patterns published in magazines, books, and online collections.
RHODORA, Harrisville Designs Spring Thaw 2014
Nopales, Twist Collective Spring/Summer 2014
Siren Shawl, Once Upon A Knit
Sharee Cardigan, Knit Picks In Bloom Spring 2014
Jacaranda Tunic, Interweave Knits Spring 2014
Hoptree Scarf, Knitscene Winter 2013
Rosemary Cardigan, Knitscene Fall 2013
June Mitts, Knitscene Fall 2013
Alison Pullover, Knitscene Fall 2013
Edelweiss Cardigan, Knitscene Spring 2013
Adeline Camisole, Knitscene Summer 2013
Lindell Tee, Knitscene Summer 2013
Emmylou Shawl, Knitscene Fall 2013
Minnette Pullover, Knitscene Winter 2012
Erte Cardigan, Knitscene Winter 2012
Lilka Scarf, Knitscene Spring 2013
Lakkos Cloche, Knit.Wear Fall 2012
Cranberry Mitts, Interweave Knits Holiday Gifts 2012
Nocturnal Pullover, Knitscene Fall 2012
Sakura Tee, Interweave Knits Summer 2012
Endira Necklace, Interweave Knits Summer 2012
Morrison Cardigan, Knitscene Fall 2011
Camellia Shrug, Knitscene Winter 2010/Spring 2011
Loretto Vest, Winter/Spring 2010
Valentine Cables Hat, Knitscene Fall 2009